This zine explores the archives of soc.motss, one of the earliest online LGBTQ+ communities on Usenet from 1983 to 1999. It captures the essence of this pre-Y2K digital space, showcasing diverse discussions on identity, culture, and technology. The zine celebrates the community's unique language, diverse members, and its pivotal role in creating a safe and vibrant online hub for sharing personal and profound thoughts alike. PDF digitally formatted zine on neon colored IBM formatted floppy diskette, includes link to download high-quality PDF
Established in 1980, Usenet connected users to a distributed system of discussion groups through a network of interconnected computers, marking a pivotal moment in the digital age before the World Wide Web.
Among these groups, soc.motss emerged as one of the world’s first online queer communities. As a safe space for LGBTQ+ individuals, Motssers openly discussed their lives, engaged in flame wars, and explored sexual orientation, pop culture, technology, and more. The unique culture of soc.motss thrived due to its diverse readership, intricate language usage, and codified systems of self-expression—creating a vibrant hub of shared experiences and perspectives.
Archives of soc.motss articles still exist today, serving as a lasting tribute to this trailblazing LGBTQ+ space. This zine explores those archives and the articles shared on soc.motss from its inception in 1983 until the end of 1999, capturing the essence of this pre-Y2K digital community, and highlighting how users harnessed this network to create a well-defined yet diverse space for sharing thoughts from profound to mundane, political to personal.